Creatures: real and imagined II
February 3 - April 1, 2017
Creatures: real and imagined II
Exhibition Dates: February 3 - April 1, 2017
Opening Reception: Friday February 3, 6-9PM
Join us for great art from 34 artists across the globe, live music with Sean Lee aka One Man Banjo, and yummi libations!
Creatures Real and Imagined explores the ways in which animals and creatures, both real and imagined have been a presence in the visual art as metaphors, objects of fantasy and fear, sources of emotional attachment and connection to the physical and non-physical realms.
Featured Artists:
Denise Tarantino, Laura Castellanos, Tali Grinshpan, Janeane Sanborn, Karen Bondarchuk, Luke Schutzman, Lindsey Heiden, Jocelyn Young, Kathryn Reichert, Jaime Stagg, Dale Lerner, Lena Thomas, Teresa Meier, Sarah Buzzard, Alison Ye, Carmen Tibbets, Jessica Teckemeyer, Brian Weaver, Jillian Nalty, Tyler Quintin, Susan Sterling, Christopher Brown, Susan Press, Daria Lvovsky, Elisabetta Martignetti, Bernell Loeb, Kristine Synowka, John Hilton, Rebecca Hamlin Green, Brad Blair, Mark Dierker, Tom Gibbons, and Danny Taylor
Live music from 6-8:30 with One Man Banjo! Sean Lee delivers everything from zig zag blues to banjo funk to swamp glam - singing and playing the banjo in a sloppy rag time rhythm to the beat of a bass drum kick & a tamborine shoe.