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From Where I Stand

November 2015

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Barnacles by artist Claire Mack


Garage by artist Kate Logue

Arjune and Krishna at Kurukshnetra

Arjune and Krishna at Kurukshnetra by artist Athanasios Pipinou

Seventy Thousand Curtains

Seventy Thousand Curtains by Josh Brilliant


Guilt by Laura Schumper

Storey Drive

Storey Drive by Tony Williams


Shrug by artist Jamie Banes

Loneliness -Teen Counseling

Loneliness (Teen Counseling) by artist Michael Fischerkeller


Kali by artist Richard Barnett


Koi by Marieken Cochius

Half Moon Babe

Half Moon Babe by artist Rhonda Thomas-Urdang

Three Baby Carraiges

Three Baby Carraiges by artist Myra Eastman

Luster 15

Luster 15 by artist Mary Meyer

The Violet Ring

The Violet Ring - Syria told through rings, by artist Heba Barazi

Lost in Memories

Lost in Memories by artist Ryu-Hee Kim


Aviary by artists Jeanne Dentzel

Sack 2

Sack 2 by artist Leslie Pontz

A Jet Bed Yeti

A Jet Bed Yeti by artist John Accurso

The Heart on the Hill

The Heart on the Hill by artist Rebecca Dixon


34° 11' 24.4062"N 115° 43' 27.9588"W, by artist Julie Gautier Downes

Frozen Silt Pan and Stranded Ice Floes

Frozen Silt Pan and Stranded Ice Floes, Turnagain Arm, Alaska by artist Hal Gage

Deer Skid

Deer Skid by artist Denise Tarantino

Prairie Stars

Prairie Stars by artist Mark Dierker

On Approach

On Approach by artist Aaron Brethorst

inedible cotton candies

inedible cotton candies by artist Christine Cho

Flow of Energy

Flow of Energy by artist David Reisine


Megaphones by artist Betsy Lewis

Kelp Calligraphy

Kelp Calligraphy by artist Becky Miller

Good Stuff

Good Stuff by artist Cedric Ingram


Robotics by artist Andrew Caruso


Peacock by artist Steve Lee

Mud Flower

Mud Flower by artist Caitlin Ross

Untitled (Before there were words)

Untitled (Before there were words) by artist J.M. Golding

uBe Art presents and International Exhibition: 

Featured art reflects the diverse influences of an artist’s physical, mental and emotional landscape


uBe Art Gallery is pleased to present an International juried exhibition of new works from artists across the globe. The “From Where I Stand” exhibition will run from November 6, 2015 – December 6, 2015 with an opening reception first Friday, November 6 from 6-10 p.m.


The exhibition highlights the diverse influences on an artist—whether it be the physical surrounding, culture, internal landscape or other, where we stand is profoundly unique.


Over 50 works of art created by 33 artists will be featured in the show: John Accurso, Jamie Banes, Heba Barazi, Richard Barnett, Aaron Brethorst, Josh Brilliant,  Andrew Caruso, Christine Cho,  Marieken Cochius, Jeanne Dentzel, Mark Dierker, Rebecca Dixon, Myra Eastman, Michael Fischerkeller, Hal Gage, Cedric Ingram, Ryu-Hee Kim, Steve Lee, Betsy Lewis, Kate Logue, Claire Mack, Mary Meyer, Becky Miller, Athanasios Pipinou, Leslie Pontz, David Reisine, Caitlin Ross, Laura Schumpert, Denise Tarantino, Rhonda Thomas –Urdang, Tony Williams, Julie Gautier Downs and J. Golding.


These artists each have unique and fresh ways of looking at the world and translating their revelation onto paper, canvas, clay and whatever other materials they find necessary to illuminate their personal landscape.


Opening reception, Friday, November 6 will be a lively event with music and libations to set the mood for this visually diverse exhibition.


View who was on the jury for this exhibition: November Jury

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