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Kaylee Prebeck - a sense of oneness within

What led you to art? Growing up I was an only child for a majority of my life. As an only child, you find ways and things to keep yourself entertained. This “entertaining myself” was the spark to my vision as an artist. When I was about 7-years-old, I remember drawing and thinking, “I want to be an artist.” The piece of paper I was drawing on had big giant scribbles on it. Around that same age I also took “photographs” with an old broken camera. Thinking about it now makes me laugh. As I got older, music and the arts were always calling to me. The mystery of creation; How did that artist paint that? What were they feeling? What are they trying to tell us? Those questions turned into passion. To me, artists are the true rebels, the box breakers, the mind openers, and the ones who speak up when no one else will. Art sings to my soul and to my spirit and drives me to create.

Is there something you are currently working on, or are excited about starting? I have been working on a “Wing Mirror” series. As I travel around the country I am capturing life through the wing mirror of my car. Each moment of creating this series is a representation of my free spirited journeys through life, but most importantly it is the vision, the reflection, and the looking back at the beauty that is all around us. The vision is to reflect our dissociation from Mother Earth. The reflection is the awareness we need to bring to respect what we have more fully. Looking in the wing mirror, we see that what’s around us is just that - a reflection of what was.

Words to live by…a favorite quote or motto? I love quotes. I have always found so many that have provided great purpose for me on my journey. But if there is one that has always stuck with me and still stands true, it would be; “When you dream, you dream your future.”

In an imaginary world where your artwork could speak, what would it say? “Wake Up!” Be mindful of your actions. Look around you. Cherish and respect the beautiful Earth that we all live on.

Describe a quality you have retained since childhood? Vision - the ability to see things from more than one angle.

What does creating art provide for you? A sense of oneness within and a connection to all that is. When I’m out photographing there is no other feeling like it. The subject and I become one, and when the light hits that perfect moment it’s like the whole universe is singing in harmony. You know that magic people talk about? Yes, that’s it - pure magic. One amazing photograph after another bringing me so much happiness and joy.

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